A trademark attorney or agent is a professional with the education and expertise necessary to represent clients in disputes over trademarks and designs.

So, it is not uncommon for a trademark lawyer in Houston, TX, to begin their career by joining a company specializing in trademark law or an IP law firm with departments dedicated to intellectual property (IP), trademark, and copyright law. On the other hand, large multi-discipline legal firms increasingly set up trademark practices. So companies that have many trademarks and need a trademark attorney to handle their issues engage trademark attorneys.

Trademark attorneys in Houston provide legal counsel on anything from trademark registration to trademark infringement. Meanwhile, this is the first and most crucial phase in creating a brand in many cases.

To find out if the name you’ve chosen is already in use or sounds too similar to another one currently on the market, you need to run a trademark search. And a trademark lawyer can assist you in conducting a search and evaluating the findings before making any final decisions. As such, a new name may be necessary for the event that there is already an existing one.

Brand Safety

A company’s trademarks serve as the foundation upon which the company’s brand rests. They make you stand out from the rest of the pack and allow others to identify you readily. Meanwhile, some individuals and businesses may offer counterfeit items or services acting like you or your firm to take advantage of your trusted brand. And because of someone masquerading as you, you might lose a lot of money. The counterfeit can also result in litigation from those the product has harmed. So to ensure that your brand remains strong, a trademark attorney in Houston assists by examining the company’s name and logo, discovering its strengths and limitations, and devising a long-term protection strategy for that property.

Meet Registration Deadlines

Registration of the trademark and compliance with all associated processes are necessary steps in proving your ownership of the mark. For example, in Houston, trademark owners must renew their registration every ten years. As such, you may not be able to meet the registration deadlines if you are the owner of a trademark or brand. On the other hand, a trademark attorney can assist you in ensuring that your registration remains valid at all times. It may soon snowball into a significant issue if you ignore the minor things.

Prevent Any Needless Rebranding

If you wish to avoid unwanted rebranding in the future, a trademark attorney can assist you in the process. So, rebranding costs money, and you don’t want to pay that price when you contemplate how much you may have paid for a mistake you made in the past. And if you’re going to spend a lot of money on a logo designer and a new trademark registration in the future, you may hire a trademark attorney to guide you through the process from the start.

Long-Term Savings Are Substantial

By reducing expenses and increasing earnings, every company aims to save money. And for the firm to satisfy its financial responsibilities when they are due, this also gives a chance for growth and expansion. As such, when it comes to your trademark, an attorney can help you identify the areas that need protection and those that don’t. They will also make sure that your trademark application is submitted correctly from the start so that you don’t lose your filing costs and can effectively reply to preliminary refusals of your trademark registration. As a result, the significance of having a trademark lawyer on your side cannot be overstated. Meanwhile, if you don’t have the proper legal training, dealing with trademarks might be a challenge.

Helen Seefeldt