Bali is arguably never dead in offering tourist charm. How not, the island of the gods has always managed to attract local and foreign tourists. Bali, of course, should not miss its special food. Here are some recommendations for Balinese specialties that you must taste.
- Jinggo Rice
One culinary that should not be missed, of course, is Nasi Jinggo. Wrapped in banana leaves and an elongated cone, Nasi Jinggo is often served with meat, noodles, sambal goreng tempe, and sambal.
- Sate Lilit, Sate Penyu, Sate Pentul
You may be familiar with this one culinary. Sate lilit is processed fish or chicken meat wrapped around a skewer. Because it has been seasoned, there is no peanut sauce in its presentation.
This non-halal food, even though it has the name turtle satay, is not made from turtle meat but pork. With chili seasoning and a little salt, the satay is ready to be grilled and served.
Almost similar to satay wrap, satay pentul is also wrapped around a skewer. The difference between the two is that the satay pentul uses a skewer with lemon grass instead of wood or bamboo.
- Chicken and Duck Betutu
This Balinese food is very popular among tourists, where betutu chicken is served with base genep spices. Base genep contains shrimp paste, candlenut, ginger, galangal, onion, turmeric, kencur, lemongrass, chili, and bay leaf.
Also using the base genep seasoning, you shouldn’t miss the duck betutu. In serving, this betutu duck will be added with spicy, fresh, and delicious sambal matah.
- Bengil Duck
Bengil duck is also one of the typical foods of the island of the gods. Similar to processed duck in general, you will find fried duck meat with a savory taste and strong and delicious spices.
- Rujak Bulung and Rujak Buleleng
If rujak usually contains fruit, it is different from rujak bulung. This one dish uses seaweed doused with pindang sauce and added with grated coconut and fried soybeans.
While Rujak buleleng is mostly consumed together with Bulung Pindang sauce. This one culinary is similar to fruit salad in general and offers a fresh and spicy taste at the same time.
- Bulung Pindang Soup
Still using seaweed ingredients, you also have to taste the pindang gravy. With a spicy and savory taste, this culinary dish is boiled seaweed then doused with pindang sauce.
- Batun Bedil
If the previous culinary has a lot of spicy taste, it is different with this gun. Batun bedil has a sweet taste and is suitable as a dessert, similar to the candil porridge in Java.
- Siobak Khe Lok
Although initially this culinary originated from China, the Balinese people began to modify it so that many made it a Balinese food. Siobak is a mixture of processed pork that is given a thick gravy.
- Sela Rice and Kedewatan Chicken Rice
In the local language, sela means sweet potato. So that nasi sela is rice with certain side dishes added with chopped sweet potato. Usually, the tubers used are sweet potatoes, so there is a sweet impression that accompanies them.
Kedewatan chicken rice is almost similar to mixed rice that is widely circulated in Indonesia. What makes it unique is the spicy taste of sambal matah, usually served with the dish.
- Jukut Ares
As the name implies, the main ingredient of this culinary is banana tree trunks or ares. Served with soup with animal bone broth, the spicy and savory taste of Jukut Ares is perfect for enjoying when the rainy season arrives.
- Tipat Cantok
The following typical Balinese food is tipat cantok. This dish is made from ketupat, which is then stirred with spices. In the presentation, tipat cantok will also be accompanied by various vegetables, at first glance it looks like gado-gado.
- Bali Mix Rice
Bali itself has its mixed rice, which is widely available in various restaurants. Common side dishes are chicken lawar, tum ayam, jukut urap, fried peanuts, and sambal matah.
Whether your trips take you to a long stroll on beaches, delicious cuisines, relaxing spas and resorts or urban attractions, extra research will give you the best experience for your visit. Get to know more about Bali by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.