A tooth extraction is an advanced dental procedure where your teeth are permanently removed. However, there are certain situations where you must undergo a tooth extraction process. Else, it may damage your gums and teeth. There are certain signs after which your dentist in Concord, NC, recommends you a tooth extraction treatment. In this article, we have jotted down the top five symptoms of getting a tooth extraction. So, here we go!
Signs to get a tooth extraction
1. Tooth pain
Feeling pain in a tooth is quite common. Therefore, it does not always point towards tooth extraction. However, at times, you feel excreting pain to the extent that it impacts your quality of life. In this case, a tooth extraction process is recommended. The dentist considers other tooth restoration treatments like RCT to save the infected tooth before the tooth extraction. If nothing works, the tooth is extracted to get pain relief.
2. Gum diseases
Another major sign that indicates that it is time for the tooth extraction process is gum disease. At times, patients suffer from gum problems, which start from pain, swollen or bleeding gums, and finally result in tooth abscesses or other complicated situations. If left untreated, it can turn even worse like tooth or gum loss. In such a situation, a tooth extraction process is recommended to safeguard the surrounding gums and teeth.
3. Tooth crowding
If you have crooked teeth and a small jaw, you may feel overcrowded. As a result, you feel a throbbing pain while eating and chewing. In order to correct these issues, dentists suggest various teeth straightening treatments. In case these do not work, extracting one or two teeth is recommended. It minimizes the chances of dental cavities and other risks.
4. Periodontal infections
This is an additional reason why your dentist might treat tooth extractions. Both your teeth and gums are infected. You must receive the treatment as soon as possible if you have any kind of periodontal disease that causes an infection or other ailment to linger. This is the case even if the tooth extraction is expensive. You have to take quick action if there is a serious infection or deterioration. If the medicine is not working, you may need to have the tooth pulled.
Wrapping Up
These are some common signs and symptoms of getting a teeth extraction process. If you are noticing these signs, visit your dentist now!