A considerable number of cyberattacks are related to malware. Malware refers to software or file designed to cause harm in some way or the other. Hackers are often interested in stealing & deleting data, or spying on user activities, with obvious malicious intention. Businesses have suffered severe consequences of malware attacks – from having cameras hacked to ransomware-related demands. Can your company prevent malware attacks? We have a guide below with easy steps that may come handy for small businesses. 

  1. Consider antimalware software. Anti-virus and anti-spyware can be extremely handy in preventing malware attacks. You can call center monitoring system expect these software products to detect and create alarms, whenever there is a suspicious file or email. Review all products and suites designed for business use before selecting one. v
  2. Upgrade authentication methods. Weak & default passwords are often responsible for backdoor attacks and trojans. It is always wise to use added means of authentication where needed, in form of security questions, use of biometrics, and one-time passwords sent to mobile. Change all default passwords and usernames immediately, and make sure that your employees are using a password manager. 
  3. Watch out for access rights. More often than not, more people have access to IT resources that required, and that’s a concern when it comes to preventing hacking attempts. Use an access management suite where needed, to control administrative privileges and access to critical resources. 
  4. Update all things. From operating systems, software to other things like firmware, browsers and plug-ins, everything should be updated to the latest version. Make sure that your employees follow the same rules, if they are using personal devices at work. 
  5. Focus on email security. Emails remain the primary source of malware downloads and files. Your business needs to enlist a series of dos and don’ts to ensure email security is never compromised. Encourage employees to report malware incidents, and don’t forget to use software against phishing. 

It doesn’t take a lot of money to prevent malware attacks. Small businesses just need to keep their cyber defenses up and ensure that they don’t merely become happy with compliance. Cybersecurity needs continuous attention, and every aspect of it should be considered, including emerging threats and how hackers have attacked similar businesses. Also, get your employees to understand the relevance of email security and ways in which hackers may target them, using means such as social engineering. Check online now for antimalware software now!


Larry Watson